Lisa M. Dinella, Ph.D., is a research scientist who investigates the relations between gender identity, media, academic achievement, and career development. Her research program is housed at the Gender Development Laboratory at Monmouth University, where she studies the social and interpersonal factors that influence individuals' gender development, and how these factors in turn impact academic and career pursuits. She investigates early influences on gender development, such as the impact of media and marketing on young children's gender identity. She also studies young adulthood, investigating factors that are linked to young adults' academic paths. Her research has led her to create partnerships with school stakeholders in settings ranging from preschools to universities.

Early childhood research.

In collaboration with colleagues at the University of Wisconsin and Washington and Lee University, Dr. Dinella is currently investigating the role of implicit and explicit gender labels (such as pink versus blue colored toys) in young children's toy preferences.

The Gender Development Laboratory team is also investigating the role of media and marketing in early childhood, particularly the current marketing of princesses and superheroes to young children.

Young adulthood research.

The three gender laboratories (Monmouth University, University of Wisconsin, and Washington and Lee University) have also conducted a large-scale investigation into young adults' career paths, and the role gender plays in career aspirations.

Select Publications

Dinella, L. M. (Ed.). (2009). Conducting science-based psychology research in schools. Washington D.C.: APA Books.

Dinella, L. M., Fulcher, M., & Weisgram, E. (2013). Sex-typed personality traits and gender identity as predictors of young adults' career interests. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43.

Weisgram, E., Dinella, L.M., & Fulcher, M. (2011). The role of masculinity/femininity, values, and occupational value affordances in shaping young men's and women's occupational choices. Sex Roles, doi 10.1007/s11199-011-9998-0.

Dinella, L.M., Pierce, J. & Lewandowski, G. (2012). Internalization of princess culture: Gender messages, early childhood and young adulthood. Paper symposium presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle.

Martin, C. L. & Dinella, L. M.* (2011). Congruence between gender stereotypes and activity preference in self-identified tomboys and non-tomboys. Archives of Sexual Behavior, doi: 10.1007/s10508-011-9786-5. *equal authorship