

Professional Development Program of the Mathematical Association of America, NJ Section

AboutBecoming a FellowMeetingsFellows

About Project NExT and NJ-NExT

Project NExT (New Experiences in Teaching) is a professional development program for relatively new college-level faculty sponsored by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA). It addresses all aspects of an academic career: improving the teaching and learning of mathematics, engaging in research and scholarship, finding exciting and interesting service opportunities, and participating in professional activities.

This national program was instituted in 1994. Section NExT, including NJ-NExT, is a program like the national NExT project, but is specifically targeted at faculty in a given MAA Section. NJ-NExT targets new-ish faculty teaching mathematics and statistics in institutes of higher education all throughout New Jersey. The goals of our program are similar to the national goals: we aim to support new faculty in the MAA-NJ section in their teaching, and to help these faculty integrate into the profession. The program is open to full-time faculty in mathematics departments in NJ who are entering their first through fourth year of full-time teaching. 

Information for Current and Future Fellows

We are now accepting applications! We are recruiting fellows for the 2021-2022 class to form a cohort of new-ish faculty deeply interested in the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics/statistics. These faculty will participate in numerous workshops, and will be included in an electronic network that links NJ-NExT Fellows with one another and with distinguished teachers of mathematics. The Fellows will also have an opportunity to meet and interact with some of the national Project NExT Fellows from the New Jersey Section.

Application Process The program is open to full-time faculty in mathematics departments in NJ who currently in their first through fourth year of full-time teaching. We seek a diverse group of participants from a wide range of institutions. Your interest in the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics/statistics, and the opportunity to implement changes in your own classroom, are important considerations. To apply, please complete this google form by March 28, 2021.

Program: Fellows are required to participate in all three NJ-NExT events. Further, each Fellow is assigned a faculty mentor from another institution who can act as a great source of advice as they navigate the beginning of their academic career. 

1) The first workshop for the 2021-2022 cohort of NJ-NExT Fellows will be held online via Zoom in the evening on Friday, April 16, 2021 and in conjunction with the spring NJ-MAA meeting on Saturday April 17, 2021.

2) The second meeting Fellows are required to attend will be held in conjunction with the fall 2022 NJ-MAA meeting. Time and place TBD.

3) The third and final meeting will be held in conjunction with the spring 2022 NJ-MAA meeting. Time and place TBD.

Costs: The costs of the NJ-NExT workshops will be covered by the New Jersey section of the MAA. Institutions employing the NJ-NExT Fellows are expected to provide financial assistance in the form of mileage reimbursement, registration fees, and meals for the three meetings. 

Questions: Please contact the co-directors of NJ-NExT if you have any questions:

Past and Upcoming Meetings

DateHosting InstitutionLocationSchedule
10/27/18Montclair State UniversityMontclair, NJAccess schedule here
4/7/2018Rowan College at Burlington County
the Mount Laurel Campus
Mount Laurel, NJAccess schedule here
11/4/2017 Georgian Court University Lakewood, NJ Access schedule here
Kean University
Union, NJ
Access schedule here
Monmouth University
West Long Branch, NJ
Access schedule here
10/31 - 11/1/2014
Saint Peter's University
Jersey City, NJ
Access schedule here

NJ-NExT Fellows

First Name
Last Name
William Patterson University
KimberlyBurchMontclair State University2005
YoungnaChoiMontclair State University2005choiy{at}mail.montclair{dot}edu
JosephCoyleMonmouth University2005jcoyle{at}monmouth{dot}edu
NeeraDesaiAtlantic Cape Community College2005ndesai{at}atlantic{dot}edu
KaarenFinbergOcean County College2005kfinberg{at}ocean{dot}edu
MitraKemlaniPassaic Community College2005
AihuaLiMontclair State University2005lia{at}mail{dot}montclair{dot}edu
DavidMarshallMonmouth University2005dmarshal{at}monmouth{dot}edu
MicheleMcGowanAtlantic Cape Community College2005mmcgowan{at}atlantic{dot}edu
GabrielleMichaelisCumberland Community College2005
KatarzynaPotocka (Kowal)Ramapo College of New Jersey2005kkowal{at}ramapo{dot}edu
PaulRossiCollege of Saint Elizabth2005prossi{at}cse{dot}edu
DavidSzeMonmouth University2005
Su-ChiWenMonmouth University2005
MarkWienerPassaic County Community College2005mathmark{at}hotmail{dot}com
ZhixiongChenNew Jersey City University2007zchen{at}njcu{dot}edu
MicahChrismanMonmouth University2007mchrisma{at}monmouth{dot}edu
SvetlanaDubininPassaic County Community College2007
SrabastiDuttaCollege of St. Elizabth2007srabastidutta{at}gmail{dot}com
RosemarieGoriniRaritan Valley Community College2007rgorini{at}raritanval{dot}edu
IreneJaiRaritan Valley Community College2007
DavidNacinWilliam Patterson University2007nacind{at}wpunj{dot}edu
ZsuzsannaNagyPassaic County Community College2007
SaritaNemaniGeorgian Court University2007nemanis{at}georgian{dot}edu
MiroslavOrnaRaritan Valley Community College2007
MichaelPezzimentiOcean County College2007michael_pezzimenti{at}portal{dot}ocean{dot}edu
EshratSahafianPassaic County Community College2007
MarekSlabyFairleigh Dickinson University2007mslaby{at}fdu{dot}edu
TatyanaStepanovaRaritan Valley Community College2007tstepano{at}raritanval{dot}edu
Pangyen (Ben)WengRamapo College of New Jersey2007
Wei-DongZhuSaint Peter's University2007
EmanuelAndriescaMonmouth University2011epalsu{at}monmouth{dot}edu
AmandaBeecherRamapo College of New Jersey2011abeecher{at}ramapo{dot}edu
KristaCamilloOcean County College2011kcamilo{at}ocean{dot}edu
InesFigueirasEssex County College2011ifigueir{at}essex{dot}edu
BradleyForrestRichard Stockton College of New Jersey2011bradley.forrest{at}stockton{dot}edu
MoayadHaddadPassaid County Community College2011
PamelaKosickRichard Stockton College of New Jersey2011pamela.kosick{at}stockton{dot}edu
DonovanMcFeronRamapo College of New Jersey2011dmcferon{at}ramapo{dot}edu
SusanMonroeBrookdale Community College2011smonroe{at}brookdalecc{dot}edu
MaryMorleyOcean County College2011
Wai (Johnny)PangMonmouth University2011wpang{at}monmouth{dot}edu
TracySaltwickBergen Community College2011TSaltwick{at}Bergen{dot}edu
KathyShuckCounty College of Morris2011kshuck{at}ccm{dot}edu
GabrielaSpragueBrookdale Community College2011gsprague{at}brookdalecc{dot}edu
RonStattonCounty College of Morris2011
GraceCookBloomfield College2014grace_cook{at}bloomfield{dot}edu
BananiDharGeorgian Court University2014bdhar{at}georgian{dot}edu
Montclair State University
BethanyGummoRowan University2014gummo{at}rowan{dot}edu
RichardHongUnion County College2014
Montclair State University
LarryKwonUnion County College2014Larry.kwon{at}ucc{dot}edu
ChristinaLeeThe College of New Jersey2014leec{at}tcnj{dot}edu
Ik Jae
Rowan University
Zhen "Lily"LiUnion County College2014lli{at}ucc{dot}edu
SteffenMarcusThe College of New Jersey2014marcuss{at}tcnj{dot}edu
CatherineMartinBrookdale Community College2014cmartin{at}brookdalecc{dot}edu
JeremyRussellThe College of New Jersey2014russelj1{at}tcnj{dot}edu
Bergen Community College
JonathanWeisbrodBurlington County College2014jweisbrod{at}rcbc{dot}edu
MarcYeungPassaic County Community College2014MYeung{at}pccc{dot}edu
Nicholas BattistaThe College of New Jersey2017battistn{at}tcnj{dot}edu
BendjilaliKhadidjaRaritan Valley Community College2017
LeeCollinsCounty College of Morri2017ncollins{at}ccm{dot}edu
Samantha DoluweeraBrookdale Community College2017sdoluweera{at}brookdalecc{dot}edu
Neha HoodaNew Jersey City University2017neha.hooda2{at}gmail{dot}com
CihanKarabulutWilliam Paterson University2017karabulutc{a}wpunj{dot}edu
Bonnie LehetRider University2017blehet{at}rider{dot}edu
Matthew MizuharaThe College of New Jersey2017mizuharm{at}tcnj{dot}edu
Thanh NguyenRowan University2017nguyent{at}rowan{dot}edu
Tamika Royal-ThomasThe College of New Jersey2017thomast{at}tcnj{dot}edu
Matthew RussellRutgers University - New Brunswick2017russell2{at}math{dot}rutgers{dot}edu
Matt SequinSaint Peters University2017msequin{at}saintpeters{dot}edu
Rachel SniderThe College of New Jersey2017sniderr{at}tcnj{dot}edu
Chung WongCounty College of Morris2017cwong{at}ccm{dot}edu