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OPERATION ID is an excellent crime prevention tool offered free of charge to all members
     of the University community.

OPERATION ID is the recording of your property's make, model and serial numbers
     and the etching of a University Police identifier and your Social Security or University ID
     number onto your property.

OPERATION ID may help in ownership disputes as well as in returning your own lost or
     stolen property if it is recovered by another Police Agency.

OPERATION ID may be done on bicycles, cameras, computers, radios, stereos, tennis
     rackets, TVs, walkmans, and any other hard surface.

        If you would like to utilize this crime prevention tool or have any questions, you may make an appointment with a Crime Prevention Officer by contacting MUPD Headquarters at extension 3472, any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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This page last updated on August 23, 2001.

Copyright © 2001 Monmouth University Police Department.  This Page and the Links provided on this Page are Copyrighted by the Monmouth University Police Department and may not be copied or used by any person or organization other than the Monmouth University Police Department without written permission from Chief Thomas P. Zambrano.