Students will develop a product according to the preliminary schedule shown below, or as that schedule is renegotiated with the instructor. They must choose a project scope that is feasible within that schedule with the resources on the team.
There will be no exams in this course. The final grade will be based on the quality of the final deliveries to the customer and the timeliness and quality of documentation produced throughout the year. In this course quality of the documentation will include, among other things, the consistency among portions of the documentation produced by individual members of the team, completeness and readability. The instructor will ask participants to privately evaluate the contributions of other members of the group. These evaluations may be used to increase or decrease the final grades of individual group members.
The project team should meet at least once each week at the time scheduled for the class in Room 230. They may need to meet more frequently during some parts of the project. The instructor will be available during scheduled class hours for guidance and consultation. At other times the instructor will be available as requested.
Everything turned in for grading in this course must be your own work. Students who contribute to violations by sharing their code/designs /solutions with others are subject to the same penalty. By the Monmouth University policy, students found to be in violation of this rule will, at the very least, receive a failing grade in the course and may be subject to stiffer penalties.
Students with disabilities who need special accommodations for this class are encouraged to meet with me or the appropriate disability service provider on campus as soon as possible. In order to receive accommodations, students must be registered with the appropriate disability service provider as set forth in the student handbook and must follow the University procedure for self-disclosure, which is stated in the University Guide to Services and Accommodations for Students with Disabilities. Students will not be afforded special accommodations for academic work done prior to completion of the documentation process with the appropriate disability service office.
Last day to withdraw with automatic assignment
of "W" grade: ---.
Week-Date |
Event** |
Notes |
1- |
Teams Jell |
PM Overview, Process and Agile Processes Lecture |
2- |
Project and Project Manager selected |
Planning Lecture |
3- |
Project Organizing Lecture |
4- |
Project Monitoring Lecture |
5- |
Preliminary project plan due |
Project Audits Reviews and Control Lecture |
6- |
7- |
Draft requirements document due |
User Interface Design Lecture |
8- |
9- |
Final project plan due |
10- |
11- |
Customer signoff on requirements due |
12- |
13- |
Architecture document due |
14- |
Meet as Needed | |
15- |
Design documentation due |
16- |
17- |
18- |
Test plan due |
19- |
20- |
21- |
Customer documentation due |
22- |
23- |
24- |
25- |
Testing complete and all faults corrected |
26- |
27- |
Installation at demonstration site completed |
28- |
Presentation and demonstration to Faculty and Customers |