This newsletter
will communicate Monmouth University's parking and traffic rules and regulations
to all members of the University community.
Motor vehicle
rules and regulations are necessary to establish safe and orderly driving
conditions and to maximize available parking.
The cooperation
of each member of the University community is necessary to uphold this
Changes and Authorization
The University
reserves the right to make changes and provisions to regulations at any
time without prior notice.
Authority and Enforcement
The Monmouth University chief of police must ensure that members of
the University community comply with University parking and traffic regulations
and New Jersey motor vehicle laws.
University police officers and safety officers enforce the driving and
parking rules and regulations by issuing warnings and citations, or by
requesting that vehicles be towed.
The University assumes no liability or responsibility for damages or
losses to any vehicle driven or parked in University parking areas or facilities.
It is recommended that all vehicles parked on University property be
locked to protect their contents.
Local Streets
In the interest of maintaining good community relations with our neighbors,
students and employees should not park their vehicles on local streets
when attending classes or functions, or when engaging in University business.
Municipal, borough, and city citations are issued to violators of local
Family/Business Vehicles
Violation expenses charged to any family or business vehicle not registered
with the University are the responsibility of the family member associated
with the University.
1. All vehicles operated or authorized to park in University restricted
lots must be registered with the Monmouth University Police Department.
2. A registration year is from September 1 through August 31.
3. In order to obtain an employee or resident student decal, an applicant
must produce the vehicle registration in the family name. All University
bills must be paid to register a vehicle. Individuals that are on the revoked
list are not eligible to obtain a decal.
4. Employees and commuter students may register up to two vehicles,
however, only one vehicle may be parked on campus at a time. Resident students
may only register one vehicle.
5. Vehicles may be registered at Monmouth University Police Headquarters
24 hours a day, seven days a week.
6. Students and employees will be issued decals that must be displayed
on the vehicle. |
A motor vehicle is not considered
properly registered unless the appropriate form has been completed and
filed with the Police Department and the assigned decal is properly affixed
to the vehicle.
Display of Decals
1. All registered vehicles must display a valid decal or parking permit.
In order to avoid confusion, expired decals should be removed before new
decals are affixed.
2. The decal must be permanently affixed and displayed on the vehicle
on the inside driver’s side rear window. The decal must be displayed so
that it is visible. On motorcycles, the decal must be mounted on the left-side
3. The decal must be affixed as directed; other means of affixing the
decal, such as adhesive tape, plastic holders, or glue, are not acceptable.
Failure to properly display the decal may result in a fine and/or towing.
Decals lost as a result of improper display will be replaced at full cost
to the individual.
4. Employees and students who register their vehicles agree to observe
all University, state, and municipal traffic and parking regulations.
5. Vehicles must be parked head-on between the white lines.
6. If a new decal is needed, it will be replaced free of charge after
the old decal is scrapped off and returned to Police Headquarters. If the
old decal is not returned, a new decal must be purchased.
Employees - Employee decals
will be issued to all full- and part-time employees. Parking is permitted
in Lots 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24.
Commuter Students - Commuter
decals will be issued to all students who do not live in a residence hall.
Commuter parking |
is permitted in Lots 13, 14, and
18 only. Commuter students' vehicles cannot be driven or parked in the
north campus/residence hall area (Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and University
Road), south campus visitor area, or residential parking area (Lots 9,
10, 11, 12, and 23).
NOTE: Violators
will be subject to fines, and their vehicles may be ticketed and/or towed
at personal expense.
All North-End Resident Students -Residential
decals will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis to registered
students who reside in University residence halls. Parking is permitted
in Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, and on University Road. However, after north-end
parking has been distributed to capacity, resident students will be assigned
parking according to availability. If we are able to provide parking, we
will notify you by mail that a decal is available for you. Please understand
that if you fail to come to Police Headquarters to retrieve your assigned
decal within five business days, you will forfeit your parking privileges
for the remainder of the academic year. North-end resident students' vehicles
cannot be driven or parked on the south campus (Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 23).
NOTE: Violators
will be subject to fines and their vehicles may be ticketed and/or towed
at personal expense.
Garden Apartments Residents -
Parking is permitted in Lot 11 and by special permit only.
Great Lawn Apartments Residents
- Parking is permitted in Lot 12 and by special permit only.
Resident Assistants – Parking
is permitted in assigned areas.
Special Parking Permits
Handicapped Permit – In
compliance with the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Services laws and regulations,
applications for a temporary New Jersey Motor Vehicle Services permit and
a set of instructions
for its completion can be picked up at the University police department,
24 hours a day, seven days a week. |
Permit - This permit authorizes parking for guests or visitors
for one day and is available at Police Headquarters, the Greeter's Booth
off of Cedar Avenue, and the traffic attendant off of Larchwood Avenue.
Temporary Permit - This
permit is issued to students, employees, and visitors. This permit must
be obtained when using a vehicle other than one that has been properly
registered with the University Police and displays the proper decal. Please
note that those whose vehicles are not registered with the University will
not be issued a temporary permit.
Disabled motor vehicles must be parked in designated areas for a specific
time period or until the vehicle can be repaired, and must be registered
with the University. A motor vehicle is not considered properly registered
unless the appropriate form has been completed and filed with the police
department, and the assigned decal is properly affixed to the vehicle.
This also includes temporary and one-day permits.
is the responsibility of the individual who performs any motor vehicle
repair work to dispose of all waste and scrap material in compliance with
established regulations. State law prohibits the
disposal of any oil or petroleum products into the sewer system. Individuals
should check with Facilities Management Administration at (732) 571-3425
for proper disposal procedures.
1. Alterations and/or the transfer of parking permits or decals is
2. A $50 fine and disciplinary action will be assessed for:
a. Misrepresentation in obtaining a parking decal. |
b. Obtaining a decal through improper procedures. |
c. Fraudulent or illegal use of a decal. |

Lot 1: |
Resident Students |
Lot 2: |
Resident Students |
Lot 3: |
Resident Students |
Lot 4: |
Resident Students |
Lot 5: |
Resident Students |
Lot 6: |
Resident Students |
University Road: |
Resident Students |
Lot 7: |
Police department personnel and visitors |
Lot 9: |
University administrators with Lot 9 authorization |
Lot 10: |
Faculty, staff, and administrators with Lot
10 authorization, and visitors in designated areas |
Lot 11: |
Resident students residing in the Garden Apartments,
visitors, and those with a special permit |
Lot 12: |
Resident students residing in the Great Lawn
Apartments and those with a special permit |
Lot 13: |
Commuter students (no resident student vehicles
permitted) |
Lot 14: |
Commuter students (no resident student vehicles
permitted) |
Lot 15: |
Faculty, staff, and administrators with Lot
15 authorization |
Lot 16: |
Faculty, staff, administrators and Library personnel
with authorization |
Lot 17: |
Physical Education/Athletic Department personnel with authorization |
Lot 18: |
Commuter student parking (no resident student
vehicles permitted) |
Lot 19: |
Facilities Management personnel |
Lot 20: |
Designated Library personnel and Residential
Life personnel with Lot 20 authorization, and visitors after 7:30 p.m. |
Lot 21: |
Facilities Management personnel |
Lot 22: |
Facilities Management personnel |
Lot 23: |
Employees with Lot 23 authorization, resident
students with permit, and visitors |
Lot 24: |
Facilities Management personnel |
1. Drivers are required to comply with all traffic signs and markings.
2. Drivers must always yield to pedestrians.
3. Motor vehicles must always be operated with caution. Drivers are
required to observe a 15 mph speed limit.
4. The operation of a motor vehicle is prohibited on lawns, walks,
athletic fields, or internal roadways.
5. Only University service vehicles are permitted to drive off of internal
6. Driving lessons and practice driving are prohibited on campus.
Resident and Commuter Student Parking Restrictions
Resident parking is permitted in Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, and on
University Road. North-end resident students’ vehicles cannot be driven
or parked on the south campus (Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, and 23).
will be subject to fines, and their vehicles may be ticketed and/or towed
at personal expense. |
Commuter Student parking is permitted
in Lots 13, 14, and 18 only. Commuter students' vehicles cannot be driven
or parked in the north campus/residence hall area (Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6 and University Road), south campus visitor area, or residential parking
areas (Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 23).
will be subject to fines and their vehicles may be ticketed and/or towed
at personal expense.
Parking restrictions are lifted starting at 4 p.m., Friday, until 4
p.m., Sunday. During those times, vehicles may be parked on the north campus
in the residence hall lots. Also, after 7:30 p.m. daily, the gate arm at
Lot 20, the library lot, will be raised until 1 a.m. for people who are
utilizing the library’s facilities. In addition to parking in Lot 20, library
parking is permitted in Lot 9 after 7:30 p.m.
No Parking Anytime
No vehicle may be parked in any location on campus that is not designated
for parking. Vehicles |
must be parked head-on
between lines in an authorized space.
University service vehicles and contractors may park in restricted areas
for the purpose of meeting normal daily service requirements, provided
that the normal flow of other vehicles and pedestrian traffic is not impeded.
Prohibited Parking Areas
1. Parking is prohibited in fire zones.
2. Parking is prohibited in any area designated by yellow lines and/or
posted signs.
3. The University reserves the right to temporarily close any campus
parking area for University purposes. In such instances, advance notice
shall be given when possible.
Tow-away Regulations
The Monmouth University Police Department is authorized to direct non-University
personnel to tow the following vehicles to an off-campus location:
1. Any vehicle parked or operated in violation of the Parking and Traffic
regulations or any vehicle that |
Violation |
A. |
Parking in a No-Parking Zone |
B. |
Parking in a Restricted Lot |
C. |
Parking in a Prohibited Area |
D. |
Obstructing Traffic |
E. |
Disregarding a Police Officer's Direction |
F. |
Parking Outside of the White Lines |
G. |
Driving on the Sidewalk, Grass, and Areas Not Intended
for Vehicular Traffic |
H. |
Failure to Obtain and/or Properly Display a Valid Parking
Decal |
I. |
Parking in a Handicapped Space |
J. |
Parking or Operating a Vehicle on Campus While on the Revoked
List |
K. |
Other |
presents a menace to the safe and
proper order of on-campus traffic and/or parking regulations.
2. Any vehicle that has not been registered with the Monmouth University
Police Department.
3. Any vehicle that has four or more outstanding traffic violations.
NOTE: Before regaining
possession of a towed vehicle the owner shall be responsible for paying
the costs of the removal and storage of the towed vehicle (39:4-56.6).
The Monmouth University Police Department is responsible for the enforcement
of traffic and parking regulations. The police department is authorized
to issue warnings and citations. Students and employees are required to
stop and identify themselves to a police officer if so requested. Students
and employees are also required to obey the parking instructions of police
officers and safety officers
Citations (Tickets)
1. University citations (tickets) must be paid at the Cashier's Office,
Wilson Hall. |
2. State or municipal citations
must be resolved in the municipal court of the town in which the ticket
was issued.
Appeals of University citations should be made in writing to
the Monmouth University chief of police. The written appeal must be presented
within five business days following the issue date of the citation. The
appeal should include a local return address, the citation number, and
the date the citation was issued. The appellant will receive a written
determination of the appeal from the chief of police. If an appeal is denied,
payment of the fine must be made at the Cashier's Office within five business
days from the date the letter denying the appeal is received. If the fine
is not paid within that period, a late fee of $25.00 will be assessed.
Municipal Citations
Municipal citations issued by the University police are answerable
in the appropriate municipal court and cannot be appealed through the Monmouth
University chief of police. Local street parking restrictions are |
enforced by municipal police officers,
and all summonses issued by municipal police should be returned to the
appropriate municipal court.
Unpaid Fines
If parking and/or traffic fines are not paid within the established
time period, the University officials indicated below will be notified
and a non-negotiable late fee of $25 will be assessed:
Faculty - the Provost
Administration and Staff -
the Vice President for Administrative Services
Students - the Vice President
for Student Services
Suspension of Campus Driving/Parking Privileges
If an individual receives four or more summonses and fails to pay those
summonses, that individual’s University driving and parking privileges
will be suspended, registration will be blocked, and transcripts will be
held. In order for these privileges to be restored and the registration
block removed, all fines must be paid in full. Payment plans
are NOT accepted. |
Monmouth University
Police Department
Cedar & Norwood Avenues
West Long Branch, NJ 07764
(732) 571-3472
EMERGENCY (732) 571-3499
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This page last updated on June 7, 2001.
Copyright © 2001
Monmouth University Police Department. This Page and the Links provided
on this Page are Copyrighted by the Monmouth University Police Department
and may not be copied or used by any person or organization other than
the Monmouth University Police Department without written permission from
Chief Thomas P. Zambrano.