Welcome to my homepage!
I am proud to serve as the Assistant Dean in the School of Science and Director of the University's Marine and Environmental Biology and Policy (MEBP) Program.
As a life-long resident of New Jersey, surfing, saltwater fishing, and the marine environment have been, and continue to be, a major part of my life. I continue to be excited about the opportunities to utilize my interests and educational and professional background in my work here at Monmouth University.
I have been professionally employed in the marine environmental field since 1979 and have designed and conducted studies on a variety of marine and environmental issues in the New Jersey coastal region.
In addition to being Director of the MEBP Program, I also teach courses in the program, including Environmental Biology and Policy and Coastal Zone Management.
Please feel free to stop by my office, call, or drop me an e-mail if you have questions about our programs or if there is anything that I can do to assist you.
I’m also always ready to discuss the latest news on environmental issues in our region, excellent surf breaks - especially secret spots - or striper fishing hot spots!